Problem Approach in CBR

Saturday, December 22, 2007 | Labels: | |

In an earlier post, we saw what exactly is Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). Here, we are going to see how CBR approaches a problem.

CBR revolves around case base, a database of past cases, that typically contains cases with problem description, possible causes and solutions. Don't confuse yourself with case base and database. They are similar, but not the same. Database works on crisp data and exact solution match, whereas CBR is based on fuzzy match. CBR has the ability to learn and improve, whereas databases do not.

In CBR, a new problem is solved by finding a similar past case, and reusing it in the new problem situation. Note the word similar. CBR would give a solution even if you don't get an exact match. If you accept the solution, then it goes into the case base as another case. If the solution is not accepted, it gives CBR a learning step.

The following four steps summarize how a problem is solved in CBR:
  1. Search for the most similar case (or cases) comparing the present case to the past cases in the case base
  2. Retrieve and Use the case to solve the current problem
  3. Revise and adapt the propose solution if necessary
  4. Save the solution as part of a new case